
CNZ Build


First and foremost, we’ll look after you. We pride ourselves in being relatable and we believe that our customers should be able to come to us without any prior building knowledge, and be assisted in a way that is clear, conscientious and above all professional.

For all of your residential building questions, we have the answer.
For all of your residential building requirements, we have the hands-on expertise.

We are one of the recommended contractors for residential repairs in Canterbury, providing assessments, reports, quotes, and undertaking the project if selected. We also assist our customers to mitigate any surprises and unexpected repairs that may arise as a part of the NHC (formerly Earthquake Commission, EQC) process, above and beyond known requirements. This this includes any work we come across that we believe should have been included with EQR repairs and/or needs to be address separately. There are cases where we may request re-assessment by NHC (formerly Earthquake Commission, EQC) and, with an excellent long-standing relationship with the NHC (formerly Earthquake Commission, EQC), provide invaluable assistance in navigating their processes.


Construction NZ Building was started back in 2011 by entrepreneur, owner, and project manager Shane Endacott. One of Shane’s main strengths is the ability to organise people and projects, and this team that he has gathered are some of the best in the industry. We grown from strength to strength since the early days, with the invaluable experience that we have gained from being all hands on deck with earthquake repairs as well as a wide range of building services and re-levelling work.

The CNZ Build team feels like family, with key people that bring top industry skills, coming together to complement one another in experience and innovation; as well as motivation, problem-solving and clear customer communication. We also have family members working together, and employ apprentices to support the future of the industry.

And we’re a busy team! We have different types of projects on the go at any one time, which fluctuates to meet the ever-changing needs of Cantabrians. This year, in 2021, we’re proud to launch an online presence for the presentation of our services, and to present the challenges and successes of projects old and new. 

Meet the Team